
June 2020
Issue 185 Volume 16

Ask Greg: Issue 185

Nolan Asks: Should I prioritize clean deadlifts (bending more at knee) or traditional deadlifts that prioritize hip hinge? Or is a combination ideal f... Continue reading
Two Sides to Every Story: Another Look at Doping in Weightlifting

There’s a ton of weightlifting information on the internet, as you know. Some of it is great, and some of it is crap. One of the online spots I&... Continue reading
Weight Cutting for Competition Day

Weight cutting is a weird and janky thing. Weight classes in strength sports were introduced just after the Olympics in 1920, as a means of making sur... Continue reading
How to simplify Olympic weightlifting

It is easy to feel overwhelmed by Olympic weightlifting training! The lifts are complicated. Practice is the only way to get better at them, but we on... Continue reading
Undulating Clusters: Methods of building consistency, volume and intensity

If you have read through the numerous Catalyst Athletics programs, sifted through old Glenn Pendlay articles or happen to know of Joe Mills’ 20/... Continue reading
Breathing Technique for Better Lifts

There is so much information about breathing technique online. You may have come across it in an article by your favorite weightlifting authority, a p... Continue reading
Interview: Brian Derwin

Many of you have never heard the names of our legendary US weightlifters from 30 to 40 years ago. Hell, most of you probably don’t know who our ... Continue reading
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