
February 2015
Issue 121 Volume 11

Ask Greg: Issue 121

Colin Asks: Hey Greg, I'm a college student who recently started training with Olympic weightlifting after taking a class on it taught by my universit... Continue reading
Jobs and Responsibilities of Coach and Athlete

Have you ever played a team sport where your coach yelled at you? Many of you probably come from some kind of athletic background, but I wonder how ma... Continue reading
Maximizing Natural Testosterone Levels Through Exercise

The purpose of this article is to establish safe and effective methods or modalities for naturally boosting testosterone production. The modalities I&... Continue reading
Specialize Your Warm-Up

As a younger man, my warm-ups consisted of static stretching and a light jog. Nowadays, I warm up differently because I recognize that a good warm-up ... Continue reading
Beyond Resolutions: Making the Best of a Bad Situation

It’s February, which is right around when most people have completely given up on their New Year’s resolutions. Often times their resoluti... Continue reading
True or False: Bulletproof Coffee Is a Magic Weight-Loss Elixir

Well, I finally tried it. Coffee with Kerrygold butter and coconut oil (I didn't buy the branded coffee beans and MCT oil, so I guess it's just bullet... Continue reading
Interview: Leo Totten

Leo Totten has done more for weightlifting in the United States than the vast majority of people involved in the sport. I realize that’s a huge ... Continue reading
Recipes: Issue 121

Sweet Meat 1 - Curry Maple I got the idea for this unusual combination recently when some cooking scents wafted downstairs. (We have a kitchen in t... Continue reading
Weightlifting News: Issue 121

Upcoming National Meets   2015 National Junior Championships: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, February 12-15 Athlete/ Team Registration  ... Continue reading
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