
July 2008
Issue 42 Volume 4

Hitting A Goal: A Bodyweight Snatch

I have been very fortunate to be around some incredible strength athletes and coaches: Coach Burgener, Casey, Beau, Cody and Sage Burgener, Josh Ever... Continue reading
The Neuroendocrine Response

The neuroendocrine response is quite an interesting phenomena because it has been vastly overlooked by the weightlifting and sports industries. Its ex... Continue reading
The M.E. Black Box for the Family Man

While I’ve had my successes with helping the aspiring athlete run faster, jump higher, and put more weight overhead, I derive the greatest pleas... Continue reading
Where have the Lordosi gone?

I’m not sure what the story is… if it’s some kind of evil lottery we have won at CrossFit NorCal or if this is just the state of lo... Continue reading
Recipes: Issue 42

It's finally summertime (unless you live here in the Northwest, where we usually have to wait until mid-July)! Time again for grilling, so this month'... Continue reading
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