
May 2021
Issue 196 Volume 17

Ask Greg: Issue 196

Isaac Asks: Do you landmark heights where the bar will be pulled to? Example being the 3rd pull of a Snatch. Do you get athletes to pull the bar to sp... Continue reading
Highly Intelligent People Who Can’t Figure Out Weightlifting

Think of the two or three smartest people you’ve ever known. Seriously, take a second and come up with a few names. The sharpest cookies you&rsq... Continue reading
Virtual Competitions: Reflections and Lessons Learned

Needless to say, this past year has been a whirlwind for competitive weightlifters and coaches at all levels. Athletes and coaches scrambled to refocu... Continue reading
Share the Platform: Part I

Transgender athletes belong in strength sports. Transgender athletes belong in sports generally. There has been quite a bit of rhetoric surrounding wh... Continue reading
From The Archives: Beginning Weightlifting as an Adult

In my dreams, I coach in a system like the Chinese, in which I have a few dozen elite lifters handed to me between the ages of 18-20 after they’... Continue reading
Interview: Jim Schmitz Part 2

“Be a contributor, not a complainer.” As you’ll read in the coming pages, those were Jim Schmitz’s final words in this intervi... Continue reading
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